

海外招待セッション GD    PRD VR Now!

VRはインターアクションの未来であるのか? Is Virtual Reality the future of Human Interaction?

日時 : 8月24日(水) 13:30~14:30
会場 : R304
形式 : レギュラーセッション
プラットフォーム : コンシューマ アーケード PC モバイル
難易度 : 辛口(ある程度の経験がある人へ)
写真撮影 :
SNS公開 :

Intermediate. Understanding & experience of VR games. Plus some knowledge of development for VR games. Mixture of technical & creative

a deeper understanding of VR at present and how it may impact our lives in the future.




Three years ago most analysts and developers thought the latest attempt at VR was likely to be yet another niche flop. But then the big companies started putting real money into it and now it is widely anticipated to make a big impact. There are still questions about sustainability over novelty, practical usage and so on, but nobody is predicting that VR is just a sideshow any more.

This talk is broadly split into 3 sections. Firstly, a state of the nation; where we are today and what features and penetration we can expect from major headset manufacturers in the near-term. Secondly, a deep dive into the latest creative, technical and commercial thinking. Including some challenges to conventional thinking. For example, is navigation a must-have? What assumptions can we make about a latency sensitive graphics pipeline? Will there be a new business model that wins out for VR? The final section allows for some thoughts and ideas for the future, including some ideas around how VR might impact our everyday lives beyond entertainment.

By taking a journey through the past, present and future of VR, including real depth into key components of design, technology and business I hope to enlighten the audience with our best understanding of the role VR will play in our lives in the near and more distant future, obviously with particular attention on games & entertainment.


Dave Ranyard

Dave Ranyard
Dream Reality Interactive
デイブ・ランヤード博士は「VRのパイオニア」を自称するインディペンデントVRスタジオであるDream Reality Interactive社のCEO。スタジオはシリコンバレー以外では最大規模のVR開発者が集積しているロンドンにあり、そのミッションはより掘り下げていくチャレンジとソーシャルプレイを通じて直観的なVR体験を生み出すことである。デイブはVRの将来に大いに期待しておりスタジオはマルチプラットフォームに集中するべきだと考えている。前職は、Sonyのロンドン・スタジオのディレクター。Sonyにて PlayStation VRの世界へ参入する事業全体を担当して賞賛をあびた。最新のデモには「The Deep」「The London Heist」「The Getaway」があり、E3、GDC、Gamescomなど、世界の主要なゲーム業界イベントで公開された。これらは、VRワールドとして知られるプリミアムPlayStation VRの市販パッケージに含まれている。デイブ博士は、英国リーズ大学出身で、コンピューター・サイエンス学で首席をとり、人工知能で博士号を取得。ロンドンスタジオのトップに就任する以前は、リサーチフェロー、プログラマー、オーディオ・マネージャー兼ミュージシャン、クリエイティブ・サービスマネージャー、エグゼクティブ・プロデューサー(SingStar & Wonderbook)を経験し、ダンスレコードを数多く発表している。また、ゲーム開発業界の活発なメンバーでもあり、BAFTA(英国映画テレビ芸術アカデミー)のGames Committee、 Game Developers Conference (サンフランシスコ)およびThe Virtual Reality World Congressの役職についている。
Alison Beasley, Lincoln Beasley PR: E: alison@lincolnbeasley.co.uk
Dr. Dave cのツイッターのアカウントは、@Dr__Dave

Dr. Dave is a self confessed VR pioneer and the CEO of an independent virtual reality studio, Dream Reality Interactive. The studio is based in London, where the largest concentration of VR developers outside Silicon Valley are to be found and its mission is to create intuitive virtual reality experiences with deeper challenge and social play. Dave is excited about the future of VR and is keen for the studio to concentrate on a multi-platform approach.

Prior to this, Dave was the director of Sony’s London Studio, where he oversaw Sony’s critically acclaimed ventures into the world of virtual reality on PlayStation. Recent demos include The Deep, The London Heist and The Getaway, exhibited around the world at key games industry events such as E3, GDC and Gamescom and are to be part of the premium PlayStation VR retail package, known as VR worlds.

Having, studied at Leeds University, Dave obtained a 1st in computer science and PhD in artificial intelligence. Prior to becoming London Studio head he has been a research fellow, programmer, audio manager & musician, creative services manager, executive producer (SingStar & Wonderbook) and has released a number of dance records.

Dave is also an active member of the game development industry, holding positions on the BAFTA Games Committee, the Game Developers Conference (San Francisco) and the Virtual Reality World Congress.

For further information contact:
Alison Beasley, Lincoln Beasley PR: E: alison@lincolnbeasley.co.uk

Dr. Dave can be found tweeting @Dr__Dave




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