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Academic Strategies for Game Curriculum, Research, and Education: International Perspective

Short Session (20min.)
Expected Skill

Developers who lead newcomers developed by new game research and education curriculum.
Educators who consider new curriculum recommendations in academic or industry.

Ideas Take Away

International perspective on the game research and education in the university,
both from the long-term vision and current strategies. Some evaluations also examined.

At CEDEC09, I've presented "University-Industry Research Relationships(UIRRs) and Game AI: A Review of the Last 10 Years". It provided a long-term vision in not only the game AI but also game research and education. After the presentation, the media concern on the game study increase more and more in a year. For example, USA Today newspaper also published the top ranking of video game design programs in U.S. colleges and universities. President Obama has launched an "Educate to Innovate" campaign with the game industry.
These media appearance of digital games represented the new stage of game research and education --- the global competition of universities. Finally, I point out the strategy of Japanese university in the age of the global competition from the experience of IGDA event "Global Game Jam" (reported in another short session in CEDEC2010).

* The session contents are based on the information provided by the speakers.

  • Yamane Shinji

    Yamane Shinji

    Research Fellow

    Research Institute

    Aoyama Gakuin University