Home >CEDEC AWARDS > Programming/Development environment
Reasons for nomination | It continues to develop the "next generation" of advanced technologies, including expression of water surface, procedural method, expression of light, and the efforts for the open World. Demonstrations performed by Crytek inspire many other developers and significantly contribute to efforts for further improvement in the technology levels of the industry. |
Reasons for nomination | By using technologies such as a uniquely-developed arithmetic algorithm and a load balancer for pre-calculated loads, the team successfully applied global illumination to real games. By building the light field technology as well as the basic static global illumination technology, the team was able to integrate the characters and dynamic objects into the background in a natural way. Thus, the team has successfully raised the rendering quality of games to the level of movies and reduced the workloads of artists. |
Reasons for nomination | The use of the programmable shader plays an important role in the current high-quality rendering techniques. Mr. Kawase has been using the shader frequently, from the early stages of this technology, (example: “DOUBLE-S.T.E.A.L.” series) and has successfully researched and implemented the most advanced programmable shader technologies. He has also contributed to the improvement in industrial technological levels on a global scale by releasing such advanced technologies as DirextX SDK, CEDEC and GDC among the public. The technologies he has developed are the basis for many of the existing post-processing effect technologies. |
Reasons for nomination | "Little Big Planet" is highly acclaimed for its unique game design. It also extensively uses the advanced rendering technologies. As a result, it successfully realizes a toy box-like dioramic atmosphere in real-time. Media Molecule positively discloses its technologies, contributing to further improvement in the technological levels of the industry on a global scale. |
Reasons for nomination | The technology that helps materialize real-time deformed collisions forms the core of the game mechanism in a title where a character climbs up a giant elephant and hangs on to it. This sequence represents one of the best applications of this excellent technology in creating new game designs. The team also achieved superb rendering while depicting a sense of air in their previous title “ICO.” In their latest title, the team improved upon it further, depicting the “fur” tactfully. |