パネルセッション:西洋におけるビデオゲームの開発【Video Game Development in the West: The Panel】

09月04日(水) 16:30 〜 17:30

This panel is designed for developers interested to learn more about how things are done in the West. Due to the very varied background of our panelists, a wide variety of themes will be treated, making this panel very suitable for artists, designers, producers and managers. To grasp all the subtleties of the panelists’ wisdom, it is required for the audience to have a certain level of experience in our industry.



The goal of this Panel it to make you think out of the box, think differently about how things could be done in terms of development, get you to understand and consider seriously how the most successful western developers are doing things.



There is a significant difference

between how Games are developed in Japan and in the West, in terms of Processes, Team Structures, decision making, Project Life Cycles and much more! In order to tackle a wide variety of topics and have cross discipline discussions, we have gathered for you speakers that have a very varied background: Design, Production, Technical Art, and Technology. In order to make sure you get the best recommendations possible, the speakers have the best background you could think of: Bungie, Insomniac Games, Guerrilla Games and Blizzard. As a special guest, we'll be welcoming Gari Biasillo, Manager at the famous Kyoto-based Q-Games Studio, that is knowledgeable in both Western style development and the Japanese one, so his involvement in the Panel will be very fruitful!

Come and learn from our panelists how they are doing things, and based on their experience, how they think things could be done even better!

Come and ask your questions to these extremely savvy developers that come to you to Tokyo to share their wisdom, passion, experience, and that are so much longing for meeting you to contribute to the Japanese Game Development Community success!

日本と欧米とでは、ゲームの開発される工程、チーム構成、意思決定や製品のライフサイクルなどに大きな違いがあります。様々な種類のテーマや領域をまたいだ議論に取り組むために、多岐に渡るバックグラウンドを持つスピーカーに集まってもらいました。その分野は、デザイン、プロダクション、テクニカルアート、テクノロジーなどに及びます。参加している皆さんが、最良の提案を得ることができるよう、Bungie、Insomniac Games、Guerrilla Games、Blizzardなど、考えられる中でベストと思われるバックグラウンドを持っています。特別ゲストとして、京都に拠点を置くQ-Gamesスタジオのエンジニアリングマネージャー、ガリ・ビアシロ氏をお招きしています。彼は、欧米スタイルの開発にも日本での開発にも造詣が深く、彼の参加するパネルディスカッションはとても充実したものになるでしょう!








Julien started as a programmer on the Atari Jaguar in the early 90s at Shen Technologies in Paris. He then joined Ubisoft Entertainment to work in game and engine teams before becoming the worldwide technical director of Ubisoft Entertainment in 1999. In this role, he played a major part in the studio's creation, organization, technology, production pipeline design, and multi-platform strategy, as well as in AAA features integration, on brands such as 'Rayman', 'Far Cry', 'Splinter Cell', 'Prince of Persia', and 'Assassin's Creed'. He also took responsibility for middleware and development strategy, communication and cooperation strategy, and hardware manufacturers and middleware relations. At the end of 2005, after having worked extensively on PS3 / XBox360, Julien pursued his career at Eidos, where he served as the worldwide CTO working on the technology strategy, before getting involved in initiating Eidos Montreal and Eidos Shanghai Studios. Julien became the worldwide technology director for Square Enix Group, working on a wide variety of engines and franchises including 'Tomb Raider', 'Final Fantasy', 'Hitman', 'Deus Ex' and 'Kingdom Hearts'. In 2013, he joined Konami as the worldwide technology director to oversee Fox Engine, work directly on the acclaimed 'Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain', and help advance many games in the group including 'Pro Evolution Soccer' 2015 and 2016.
Julien joined Bandai Namco Studios early 2016, where he now serves as their worldwide technology director.

ジュリアンは20年以上の経験をもつエンジン・テクノロジーの専門家です。UbisoftでRaymanやFar Cryなどのタイトルにかかわり、またミドルウエアの開発や戦略なども担当しました。2005年にWorldwide CTOとしてEidosに入社。その後、スクエアエニックスのWorldwide Technology Directorとしてエンジン開発やTomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Hitman, Deus EXなどのタイトルにかかわりました。2013年にKonamiに移籍してFox Engineの開発、Metal Gear Solid V、Pro Evolution Soccer等にかかわり、2016年からBandai Namco StudioのWorldwide Technology Directorとして活躍しています。



Technical Director



Michiel van der Leeuw has been coding games when he was a teenager. 21 years ago, at the age of 19, the first game he worked on - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 for Epic MegaGames – was released. Since then he’s been Game, Engine, Graphics or Tools coder on most of the Killzone series and recently Horizon: Zero Dawn. He’s been Technical Director at the studio for the last 11 years. He still codes quite a lot, mostly in the Low-level Tech or Tools parts of the engine.

Michiel van der Leeuw氏がゲームのコーディングを始めたのは10代の頃にさかのぼります。
van der Leeuw氏が19歳だった21年前、最初に手掛けたゲーム、「Jazz Jackrabbit 2」がEpic MegaGamesからリリースされました。
それ以来、ほとんどの「Killzone」シリーズ、また最近では「Horizon Zero Dawn」でゲーム、エンジン、グラフィック、ツールのコーダーを務めてきました。


Insomniac Games

Senior Engine Programmer



Ron Pieket is a game development veteran with more than 30 years of experience. He has worked for developers in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and now in the United States. He is currently working as a Senior Engine Programmer at Insomniac Games, where he focuses primarily on engine, tools, and asset pipeline.

Ron Pieketは30年以上の経験を有する熟練のゲーム開発者です。
これまでオランダ、イギリスの開発会社に勤めた経験があり、現在はアメリカでInsomniac Gamesのシニアエンジンプログラマーの職に就いています。主にエンジン、ツール、およびアセットパイプラインを扱っています。



Senior Agility Lead



Linda Fane has spent her professional career helping creative teams collaborate more effectively. She has a background in the entertainment production, starting out as a theatrical stage manager, she gradually transitioned to the world of high tech 15 years ago (Microsoft, Yahoo!, LinkedIn). It was there where she encountered agile and scrum methodologies and then spent years learning about, practicing and teaching agile methods.
She is a PMI-Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP) and IC Agile Expert. She joined Bungie 4 years ago to lead the studio's transformation to Agile ways of working and has since helped the studio ship Destiny 2, D2-Rise of Iron, Curse of Osiris, Warmind and Forsaken. She currently serves on the Destiny Leadership Team focusing on organizational problem solving.

Linda Fane氏は、クリエイティブチームが他部門とのコラボレートをより効果的に行えるようサポートすることを専門職としています。Fane氏は、エンターテイメントの制作に携わっていた背景があります。演劇の舞台主任を皮切りに、15年前からはMicrosoft、Yahoo!、LinkedInと言ったハイテクの世界に徐々に移行してきました。まさにそこで、Fane氏はアジャイルやスクラムの方法論について知り、それから何年もかけて学習し、アジャイル手法の実践や指導を手掛けています。
PMI-アジャイル認定プラクティショナー (ACP) およびICAgile Expertの有資格者でもあります。4年前、Bungieに入社し、スタジオの仕事をアジャイルの方法に変革する面で指揮を執ってきました。そして、スタジオが「Destiny 2」、「D2-鉄の章」、「オシリスの呪い」、「ウォーマインド」、「孤独と影」を送り出す手助けをしてきました。現在、組織上の問題解決に焦点を合わせたDestinyの首脳部で働いています。


Blizzard Entertainment

Senior Animator



As a Senior Animator on Blizzard Entertainment’s Heroes of the Storm development team, Lana Bachynski is responsible for bringing the characters in the company’s MOBA to life through movement. While most of her time is spent animating Heroes, she can also be found animating mercs, map objectives, civilians, critters, and other odds and ends. Her most notable work includes Chromie, Dehaka, Stukov, Orphea, and getting timed out for using too much capslock in Twitch chat.

Lana began her career at Blizzard Entertainment in 2012 as an Animation Intern on StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. In addition to her work on Heroes of the Storm, she also provided animation for Legacy of the Void, and is the host of the HGC Minute for Heroes Esports.

Lana earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Animation from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco.

Blizzard Entertainmentの「Heroes of the Storm」開発チームシニアアニメーターとして、Lana Bachynski氏は同社のMOBAで、動きによってキャラクターに命を吹き込む責任を担っています。Bachynski氏は時間のほとんどを「Heros」のアニメイトに費やしてきましたが、マーセナリー、マップオブジェクティブ、シビリアン、クリッターなどもアニメイトできます。主に手掛けたものはクローミィ、デハカ、ステゥコフ、オルフェアなどですが、全部の名前をTwitchチャットで挙げるとCaps Lockの使い過ぎでタイムアウトしてしまうほどたくさんあります。

Bachynski氏は2012年にBlizzard Entertainmentに入社し、「StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm」の制作にアニメーションインターンとして参加しました。「Heroes of the Storm」での自身の仕事に加えて、「Legacy of the Void」へのアニメーションの提供者、また「Heroes」のeスポーツであるHGC Minuteの主催者としても活躍しています。





Engineering Manager



Gari has been developing games since the 8-bit era working at Ocean, Hewson, and Interceptor Micros in the U.K. both programming and composing music.  his career has taken his far and wide, working at Iguana Entertainment and  Shiny Entertainment in the USA, Electronic Arts Canada, working on many games (including NHL, FIFA, NBA, Madden, NBA Street, Battlefield 3) before moving into the role of Technical Director of EA's Animation Technology team. He is currently the Engineering Manager at Q-Games since moving to Kyoto, Japan 6 years ago, where he still codes and composes music in-between his other duties.