This panel is designed for all technical people (especially Programmers, Lead Programmers, Technology Directors and Technical Artists) interested to learn more about how things are done in the West. A wide variety of themes will be discussed, and to grasp all the subtleties of the panelists’ wisdom, it is required for the audience to have a certain level of experience in our industry.
The goal of this Panel it to make you think out of the box, think differently about how things could be done in terms of technology, get you to understand and consider seriously how the most successful western programmers are doing things.
What would you think if CEDEC was going to put on stage the World’s best Tech developers from the best Western Studios? What if these Studios were Guerrilla Games, Insomniac
Games, Ubisoft Massive and Avalanche Studios? What if Q-Games joined the Panel to bring their knowledge about both Japan and the West? What if they were here to not only touch base on critical Technology Development aspects, but to also answer your questions?
Well, this is what CEDEC is proposing to you.
Michiel, Ronald, Calle, Jacques and Jerome will be yours for an hour. The moderator will start the panel by introducing our panelists, and then steer the discussions toward various important technical aspects that the Japanese Game Development Community could benefit from; that said, all along the panel, the moderator will be giving priority to the questions
from the audience.
欧米のゲームスタジオからやってきた世界でもベストと認められたTech開発者がCEDECで何を披露しようとしていると思いますか?それが、Guerrilla Games、Insomniac Games、Ubisoft MassiveやAvalanche Studiosだとしたら、どうでしょうか?また、ただ彼らに会って技術開発の辛口な展望に触れるだけでなく、参加者の質問に直接答えてくれるとしたら、どうでしょうか。