ビッグデータ、機械学習、ビデオゲーム: 各プレイヤーの行動を予測する Big data, machine learning and video games: predicting individual player behavior
08月23日(木) 16:30 〜 17:30


Big Data processing and machine learning methodologies to understand and predict player behavior to provide a data-driven player-focused development of games.



Basic programming, mathematical and statistical knowledge.



In this talk, I will discuss the state of the art of data science in the game industry. I will review the main techniques used to predict player behavior, focusing on machine learning methods that serve to predict when and where (i.e. which day, in which game level and after how many hours of playing time) each player is going to quit the game and recommend AI-based preventive actions to try to retain them. Additionally, I will introduce deep learning methods to forecast playtime and in-game sales, and to predict the purchases of individual players.


アフリカ ペリアニェス

Yokozuna Data, a Keywords Studio

Yokozuna Data



アフリカ・ペリアネーズ博士は、キーワーズ社のYokozuna Data(yokozunadata.com)のCEOです。データサイエンティスト、また各プレイヤーの行動を予測する最先端の機械学習プラットフォームを開発するエンジニアで構成されるチームを率いています。自身も12年以上の経験を持つシニアデータサイエンティストおよび研究員です。レディング大学(英国)で数学博士、欧州原子核研究機構(CERN)でひも理論物理学の上級修士(Master of Advanced Studies)、マドリード自治大学で理論物理学の修士を取得しました。

リサーチサイエンティストとしては、CERN(マリ・クレール個人フェローシップ賞を受けて在籍)、日本の理研(世界で4番目に速いスーパーコンピューター京を活用)、ドイツのDWD(ドイツの気象サービス、衛星データを同化)、英国レディング大学など、名だたる機関に勤めてきました。数々のピアレビュー論文を共著し、国際学会での登壇数は20回を超え、数多くの定期的なセミナーにも登壇しています。SPSS Inc.、IBM、シリコンスタジオ社など、業界での経験も豊富で、現在はキーワーズ社に籍を置き、その活躍は、ブルームバーグ、日経、Sinc 、ジャパンタイムズ、ワシントン・ポスト、エコノミック・タイムズをはじめとするさまざまな出版物で取り上げられてきました。


Dr. África Periáñez is the CEO of Yokozuna Data, a Keywords Studio (yokozunadata.com). She leads a team of data scientists and engineers who develop a state-of-the-art machine learning platform that predicts individual player behavior. She is a senior data scientist and researcher with 12+ years of experience. África holds a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Reading (UK), a Master of Advanced Studies in String Theory Physics carried out at CERN, and an MSc in Theoretical Physics from the Autonomous University of Madrid.

She has worked as a research scientist in renowned institutions such as CERN (under a Marie Curie individual fellowship), RIKEN in Japan (working with the world's fourth-fastest K-computer), DWD in Germany (German Weather Service, working in satellite data assimilation), or the University of Reading in the UK. She is the co-author of multiple peer-reviewed articles and has been a speaker in more than 20 international conferences and many regular seminars. She also has significant industry experience at SPSS Inc., IBM, Silicon Studio, and now Keywords Studios. Her work has been featured in various publications, including Bloomberg, The Japan Times, The Washington Post, and The Economic Times.

África has a goal in mind: to democratize Game Data Science (so that it can be used in operational business settings) and push the frontiers of this field to new heights. Using cutting-edge machine-learning and statistical techniques, she aims to obtain a thorough understanding of players' behavior and to accurately predict their actions in order to contribute to the development of amazing data-driven games. Her main research interests include ensemble-based methods, deep learning applied to time-series forecasting, and Bayesian approaches to predict player reactions.



In this talk, I will discuss the state of the art of data science in the game industry. I will review the main techniques used to predict player behavior, focusing on machine learning methods that serve to predict when and where (i.e. which day, in which game level and after how many hours of playing time) each player is going to quit the game and recommend AI-based preventive actions to try to retain them. Additionally, I will introduce deep learning methods to forecast playtime and in-game sales, and to predict the purchases of individual players.


所属:Yokozuna Data, a Keywords Studio
氏名:アンア ギタルト 
氏名(英語):Anna Guitart